Soccer resonates with the region where I currently reside—Buenos Aires and South America. Although Soccer rarely entertained me growing up, nevertheless, during an International Management course I’m enrolled in, an informational video on the transforming technology of a “Soccket Ball” rendered an entertainment and enjoyment I now find in the power of soccer:
Fast Company details Uncharted Play—the parenting company of the Soccket Ball—as, “a tech startup dedicated to creating products that create renewable energy, wants to harness that kinetic energy to create off-grid power… literally. Their first product, Soccket, is a soccer ball that when kicked around stores energy that can power small appliances.”
Considering its beginning (above), Uncharted Play’s Soccket attests to the life-changing, world-changing power that lies in the knowledge we have accumulated in the past, the ambition we have in the present, and hope we have in a future. The Soccket ball was definitely worth sharing, share this GRAYT also!