Many times our most bountiful blessings dwell outside the confinement of our comfort zone. Our most rewarding experiences often times happen when we dare to escape the comfortability that nurtured our past and explore the unexplored of our present, to manifest tomorrow’s blessing.
Locating Your Blessings: The Location
Faith activates. Believing in a present whose presence you can’t see is the key to activating the fruition of your dreams, goals, and aspirations. From the foundation and roots of a dream, uncomfortableness will ensue—breaking through the ground to see your dream grow and impact the world will not be comfortable. Dream nourishment is vital in the growth of your dream and its results. Nurturing your seed of a dream will stimulate the growth of that dream and the subsequent manifestation of your blessings—faith, courage, belief, and passion nurtures the seed to bring forth fruition. Intersecting passion and pursuit draws you nearer to the location of your blessings.
Accessing Your Blessings: Getting There
The road to manifesting your goals and realizing the benefits of your dreams won’t be the easiest path—in fact, you may feel disappointed on the way or feel discouraged or need time to reconcile your passion with your pursuit, but stay on the path. The route and the ride to the fruition of your dreams may be rocky, you may run out of gas, you may need a tune up, you may need to change your modus operandi; constantly refuel your motivation and your journey with faith. Believe you will achieve, believe in your commitment to yourself and to God, believe in your opportunity for blessing—this belief converged with bold perseverance will transcend you to the location of your blessings.
Tips on Locating Your Blessings:
- Let go of fear and grab hold to faith: When approaching our dreams and in the process of achieving those dreams, it’s essential to incorporate fearlessness. The moment when we let go of fear and grab hold to faith, we begin to identify the location of our blessings—they are where we release fear and increase faith.
- Align your passions with a courage to pursue: When we begin to infuse our lives with courage and passion, we further identify the location of our blessings. Courage and passion carries our lives to the places our limitations wont—the places where our most bountiful blessings reside.
-  Remain committed to your pursuit, even when you can’t see the proximity of your blessings: Challenging, discouraging, and disappointing experiences will arise on the journey towards pursuing your dreams and goals. Your diligence is vital to determining the outcome of your pursuit, if you give your 100% wholeheartedly and spiritually, God will give his 100%, to culminate an overflow. Nevertheless, you have to show up for 100% of your part and let God handle your overflow.
Focus on your journey, focus on your commitment, focus on your pursuit and begin to see your dreams manifest. Share these tips with your friends, family, and associates below!