Calm down. No, I do not run track. If I did, you would have had to call the paramedics halfway through the race. Well…maybe not, but you get me! However, on Thursday, May 17, 2012, my family and I set off to Reno, NV, for my sister to compete in Nevada’s NIAA Track State Championship. Fulfilling memories and fresh experiences characterized our trip, where the trip was topped off with Jasper taking State in the 400 Meter Dash. With her personal best of 56.95 seconds, the trip was truly entertaining and a true testament of God’s grace and God looking out for those who love him. Although this wasn’t an experience of a lifetime because we expect to experience more experiences such as these, this trip was truly one for our books. From the private flights, sponsored by GRAYT family friend and coach, Randall Cunningham, to the first place sights, this May 17-19, 2012 trip to Reno proved to be a dope, fly moment for life.
More on my time at the NIAA Track Championships 2012…
Supporting my sister is one of the biggest duties and biggest loves that I have in the world. When it came to this year’s 2012 NIAA Track Championships, it was no different, my support was right there at that track. From Vegas to Reno, its about an eight hour drive. Lord Knows, that would have been a cramped ride.
But that’s exactly the term to use, LORD KNOWS. Instead of driving to Reno, one of our GRAYT family friends and coach, Randall Cunningham, provided us with private jet transportation to the NIAA Track Championship. As a former NFL Proffessional player, the stigma with NFL men of today doesn’t apply to this gentleman. His heart, his passion, and his drive to see God’s kingdom flourish and positivity reign, permits him to extend generosity to those who surround him.
Upon arrival, my family and I prepared ourselves to see the race of the whole trip–the 400 meter dash. Prior to the race, many emotions consumed our hearts and minds, however all of thsoe emotions were eliminated when Jasper, my sister, snagged the Nevada State Title for the 400 meter dash. The experience not only imparted joy and gratefullness into my sister’s life, but my heart too, and because of that I love my sister to death. #holdmyword

Photo Credit: NV
Part 2 of the Trip | The Exit…Coming Soon